A Midsummer Night's Dream 2025

Written By: William Shakespeare
Directed By: Ally Farzetta
Scenic Design: Patrick Ulrich
Lighting Design: Heather Sinclair
Assistant Costume Designer: Mitchell Ngwenya and Penny Dorsey
Randolph College (February, 2025)
The Director's concept for the play was high fantasy and otherworldly. The design is inspired by Lord of the Rings, and the fairies are inspired by druids and nature.
The Fairies are meant to be very organic and connected to nature, and feature glowing elements. The Court of Theseus is very elven with metallic elements. Theseus and Hippolyta have a Sun and Moon color palette.
Pieces constructed by designer include: Hippolyta's Wedding Dress, Hermia's Wedding Dress, Helena's Wedding Dress, Demetrius' Wedding Tunic, Hippolyta's Wood Tunic, Bottom's Vest-Corset, Oberon's mushroom Pauldron, Oberon's Bark Bracers, Titania's flower mantle, Titania's Leaf Gorget and Spaulder, Titania's Bark Corset, Titania's Light up Butterfly Skirt piece, "Moonshine" Bloomer Appliques, Light up Mushroom pads for Moth, Peaseblossom, Mustardseed, and Cobweb, and various other alterations and embellishments
All show photos credited to Jill Nance Waugh, Randolph College.